Thursday, July 5, 2007

tUESdAy jUNe 12


“pasa me la botella… VOY A BEBER EN NOMBRE ELLA”

The mood in Madrid has me so happy I find myself singing as I walk back to the hotel.

Today was eye-opening. Ish and I had a late wake and missed the tour with the group due to our love for the Spurs. We stayed up late last night to watch game 3 of the NBA finals at a local sportsbar/pub O’Connells.

Vivo los spurs 3-0

Following our late wake we took the metro to El Prado to witness the famous art Madrid has the right to boast about. There are various artists that have their work displayed here from Francisco Goya to Velasquez.

Some of the paintings demand attention by depicting still life, focal points, linear perspective and other enlightening methods. One that caught my eye was Goya’s "The Colossus." It’s a dark painting with a giant looking down at a village terrified of him. Francisco Goya’s recognizable "The Third of May" is also at The Prado. It is bigger than expected as I saw the painting expand across a wall like an ultra sized 60 inch plasma T.V.

One thing that I noticed was the Americanism that is at almost every corner. McDonalds. KFC. Burger King. They’re all here in Madrid. I found myself thinking that America is taking over the world.

It made me sad that this gorgeous gorgeous atmosphere here in homestead Madrid could become an image of home.

Where would we go for a break?
Where will we go to get away from it all?

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