Tuesday, June 12, 2007

june 11 2007

Today was our first day in Madrid. Its been illusional. Almost unreal. We have went sight seeing and saw The Royal Palace of Madrid. The Palace had a rich feel to it.


Thursday, June 7, 2007

tUESdAy jUNe 5th

Have you ever told a story? I'm sure you have. Story telling is a creative element to preserving generations of knowledge and history.

In the south side of ol' San Anton is a small comic book shop called The Collectors Authority. It is a place where score of stories lay at rest in the pages of comic books. There are tales of dilema, misfortune, betrayal and of course conflict.

Being a story lover is why I am addicted to the comic book. It always has a hook/clincher that'll leave you yearning to see what comes next. Living in the south side of San Antonio is where the convinience of The Collectors Authority steps up to the plate and hits a home run bigger than that of the Babe himself. With gas prices along with many things on the rise, alot of people would object to driving 30 minutes across town for their weekly entertainment; if it were not there, many south siders would completely forget about the illustrious art and complex plots comic books bring to us fanboys.

Despite the fact that many people deem comic books as childish and imature or believe that the writer cheats to tell the story with the artist, the central scheme is complexly constructed with realistic artistic qualities and is a multi-million dollar industry.

Being a lifelong fan of heroism is what would inspire me to tell a great mini-series with characters I grew up watching and admiring. Comic book continuity contains a mamoth sized amount of linking events. To be able to leave my name next to a story that fans will always remeber and share as they pass it down to the next generation would be legendary.

Monday, June 4, 2007

mOndAy jUNe 4th

If i asked you if you wanted to see Spain, would you want to? It would be an optmistic chance for someone who has never traveled outside the United States. Well seven days from today I will be on a flight going overseas for the first time to experiance a paramount place in Europe. Buttlfies have invaded my stomach as the day to depart soon approaches to cross the Atlantic. I expect to absorb a bold feel for the Spanish culture and desire to expand my knowledge of their way of life. Another interesting feature i look foward to seeing are the events that take place from day to day.

I look foward to seeing a vast quanity of historical features. Spanish history is my profound reason for taking this trip. Conquistadors, Pablo Picasso, tomatoe fests, stampeding bulls, Gual and Francisco Franco have all flashed through my brain these last couple of weeks. I am aware of minor details and hunger to absorb more storylined facts.

The culture in Spain will be extremely different than that of the Alamo City. To witness the fashion, dances, bars, nightlife and food and then compare the two should indefinitely swagger my opinions, views and ways of our south Texas community. I can only contemplate the feelings and thoughts that my body will experiance as we set foot off the plane onto a foreign continent in the capital city of Madrid.

I hope to get an astounding learning adventure from my stay in Spain.